Every security expert faces three dragons: the voice that whispers 'not expert enough,' the shadow that hides achievements, and the fear of claiming recognition. Ready to step out of the shadows and into your power as a security leader? The dragons await—will you answer the call?
See registration to determine current session availability. Event filled in Sched to limit confusion. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER AT https://bsidessf.regfox.com/2025 TO ATTEND THIS WORKSHOP (i.e. this session cannot be reserved with Sched) ----- Capture the Flag events are exciting and competitive. But, they can be scary to developers and security practitioners who have never participated in them.
In this session, I introduce CTFs, discuss their benefits to developers, and examine an easy and medium-difficulty CTF challenge in depth.
See registration to determine current session availability. Event filled in Sched to limit confusion. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER AT https://bsidessf.regfox.com/2025 TO ATTEND THIS WORKSHOP (i.e. this session cannot be reserved with Sched) ----- Threat modeling is vital for secure systems but often seems daunting. In Practical Threat Modeling, you'll explore core concepts, frameworks, and tools, adopt an attacker's mindset, and tackle real-world scenarios. Learn to integrate threat modeling into Agile workflows and apply skills to enhance